Wednesday, July 20, 2016


This week at the BES ELP we had tons of fun, and shared lots of laughs! We had lots of smiling faces return to us this week, and even made some new friends. It was awesome to see how many kids were so excited to come back and learn. This week our special was Shawn Kimball. Shawn taught us how to use different kinds of cameras and audio equipment.

Over in Math and Science with Heather, we focused on the science of colors, water, and light. We started off the week playing with frozen water balloons. The kids were amazed at how salt can change the feeling of the ice, creating bumps and ridges that we could fill with food coloring. The different colors would drip through the ice, creating some pretty cool patterns. We also worked with density and layering different types colors of liquids. Depending on the density, the different colors would either float to the bottom, or sink to the top. Our kids had some great hypotheses about what would happen with the different colors.

Cathy taught us all about relaxation and self love in Health and Wellness. It's so important to calm our bodies as well as our minds when we are feeling frustrated or anxious. We also focused on all sorts of fun games, like 20 questions, don't let the balloon touch the ground, and lots of others! At the end of the week, Cathy taught us how to sew. We had skill levels that ranged everywhere from newbie to expert. We put our newfound skills to the test and sewed a pillow that we could take home to snuggle with.  Inside of the pillows we put different spices and yummy smells that are calming for our minds.

For our special with Shawn, we learned all about how film works. Shawn brought in all sorts of cameras for us to play around with. I think one of our favorites was the GoPro since we could strap it to our forehead and get all sorts of angles and cool shots. Not only did we practice our tech skills, but we also utilized some of our acting tools from the week before to make for some funny skits. We were able to get outside, get our bodies moving, AND play with cameras and microphones. We look forward to seeing Shawn again!

Last but not least, Literacy with Priscilla. In Literacy this week, we did a lot of activities outside. Our 3/4 and 5/6 hung story walks outside of the school for our community to read when they walked by. If you want to check it out, Max and Ruby is in front of the school, and a very cool story about tractors and the outdoors on the back fence near the 1-4 playground. We have been taking lots of small field trips to the library, upstairs to the summer reading club, and all over our own schools campus.

Thanks for joining us for our second week of ELP. We really hope your children had just as much fun attending as we did teaching. Each child brings a different sort of joy and light to the group. It wouldn't be the same if even one of them was missing. Until next week.

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